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Proofreading for everyone

Buy FastProof

1. First, check the word count

Make sure you check the word count in your document. Each block of 2000 words costs $25 plus GST. To proofread more than 2000 words, just buy enough 2000-word blocks to cover it.

2. How fast do you need it done?

Here’s where it gets exciting, because this just might save your bacon. We offer three seriously focused lead times:

  • Fastwithin 2 business days (our standard service)
  • Speedywithin 9 business hours (same day if we can, but maybe the next day)
  • Urgentwithin 4 business hours (same day, even after hours, if it’s humanly possible)

Take a moment to check out the details under the detailed description of lead times. If you have too much work to finish in these times, let’s discuss what’s possible.

3. Make your payment

You can use Online banking, PayPal or even make a Cash payment at our office. Let us know you’re coming, and we’ll put the kettle on!

4. Send your document

This is easy, but we’ve made it real easy on our email page.