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Proofreading for everyone

Do I need FastProof?

Business misstakes

There are times to be casual, when the informality of relaxed standards can be a delight. But you’re a professional, and there are occasions when your business or personal writing must be professional. Times when the reputation of your busness could be tamished by writing misstakes — when no laps in standerds, is permissable!

Did you notice any mistakes in that sentence — how many can you spot? Give it a go, then check the answers.

Everyone makes mistakes — no surprises there. What you need is to catch them. Your customers notice your mistakes, and their confidence falters. They wobble. Don’t risk it. Get the assurance that a professional proofreader can give. Contact FastProof.

Background radiation

“If they leave spelling mistakes in their marketing material, they’re not trying very hard, are they? I mean, it’s not difficult. They just don’t care.” That’s an opportunity lost — but you’ll never know, and it might be years before they lose their prejudice against you.

It’s like background radiation: you can’t avoid it — and you can’t avoid proofreading. Get in touch now. Won’t take long, and cheap as chips.

What have you written lately?

You might use a proofreader to check your curriculum vitae, a newsletter or a magazine article — perhaps an important email or letter and certainly a web site.