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Proofreading for everyone

What we do

We proofread your writing

FastProof is affordable professional proofreading, delivered quickly. In modern desktop publishing, documents can be printed in their thousands within a few hours or be viewed instantly around the world on a web site, so timely proofreading is vital to avoid delays in your workflow. That’s where FastProof comes in.

We’ve made professional proofreading affordable, and being outside your team we’re objective. Our only task is proofreading. In that single task we’re skilled, conscientious, inexpensive and swift.

The division of labour between us is somewhat unsymmetrical: you look after the writing, layout, fonts, graphics, colour, images, paper, printer, quantities, binding, packaging, customer database, address labels, covering letter, distribution, costs and the imminent avalanche of replies, while FastProof takes excellent care of the text.

What’s the difference between editing and proofreading?

They overlap, and their definitions are frequently imprecise. But editing usually means any text changes up to wholesale rewriting and changing the sequence of material. Proofreading is less extensive and usually confined to correcting errors of spelling, punctuation and basic grammar, which is how FastProof defines it. If your writing needs more than proofreading, we’ll let you know how WordShine can help.

WordShine means polished writing. They want to say what you mean, and to do so they might completely rewrite your work. But that’s some heavy lifting, and FastProof doesn’t want to get its hands so dirty. We’re in a hurry — heck, you’re in a hurry! You have to print and distribute thousands of copies!