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Proofreading for everyone

Author Archive

Writing is reason

Monday, February 20th, 2012

We all hope and expect to be ruled by reason.

Years before we become adults, our childish instincts are firmly aligned with fair play. The child’s strident cry of “that’s not fair!” is invariably well-founded, but where does it come from?

The first source is the natural, innate sense of fairness. Later we gain access to a more detached, educated, adult understanding of justice.

Between the childish sense of fairness and the adult construction of justice lie years of exposure to varying levels of reason. Language links them together. Continue Reading…

The best proofreader

Monday, February 20th, 2012

Who makes the best proofreader?

Authors should always, always proofread their own work but it’s too important for us to be the last proofreader. We’re just too entangled with ambitions, hopes and dreams to stand back and correct grammar and spelling properly. It might be useful for the proofreader to be on the team but only as a proofreader.

Imagine a product development team building a revolutionary new model of Flostenhammer, and one of the members writes an instruction manual. If they include an inadvertent factual error, the best person to find it would be another member of the team, because to them the mistake will be obvious. So team members should check the writing.

But there’s an important place for an outside proofreader. Imagine that the manual states: Continue Reading…

Announcing FastProof

Monday, February 20th, 2012

Here is the birth of retail proofreading

Have you ever wanted a proofreader and wondered how on earth you’d find one? Perhaps you’ve been desperate for help with your writing and pleaded with Agnes from accounts to check your advertisement? Or you once asked old Arthur Prestwick, the retired teacher down the road, to check your CV, but that was years ago and you’re not sure Arthur’s still alive.

If those stories sound familiar, then FastProof is for you. Because FastProof is new. FastProof is fast, dependable and reasonably priced. You don’t have to go anywhere because it’s available online. We bring proofreading to everyone.

Eliminate typos

A spell checker and grammar checker are useful, but they are not infallible because they don’t have a brain. Your word processor will overlook mistakes that could cook your goose. Continue Reading…