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Proofreading for everyone

Archive for the ‘Newsletter’ Category

This is exciting

Wednesday, March 14th, 2012

The launch of FastProof on 20 February was followed behind the scenes by frenetic activity as we hit the phones to sign up businesses for our newsletter.

Preliminary figures show an astounding uptake above 90 percent. We’re very excited. Many businesses have been trying without success to find a proofreader, and FastProof finally gives them an easy solution. Time will tell – when these subscriptions get converted into sales.

Big companies have proofreaders on their staff, but small to medium companies can’t afford it. Individuals don’t use a proofreader! You and I only need a proofreader about every five or ten years to check our cv, but who knows how to get one or how much to pay them?

FastProof is the simple, economical answer for us all.